Monday, March 23, 2009

Hi you guys...

This is Robyn... I am hoping that with Sam's birthday coming up that we can get you guys up an running on the video chat using ichat. This way, we can wish him a great big 'ol birthday wish! Taylor can even blow him a kiss or something! Maybe Uncle Sam would like that. Talk to you guys soon, R.

Monday, March 16, 2009

SPRINGBREAK...that means white glove cleaning...loads of laundry...lots of trips to the library...lots of, what fun!

Wednesday Sam and I are planning to go hike Mt. that will be fun. Hiking and a picnic...:)

Monday, March 2, 2009

What a day. I am tired. X.x Had to work 7:30-6 and that was Sometimes, I wonder why parents leave their innocent children at a daycare for 10-11 hours?... Can you explain that to me?

The hubby was precious and bought me two sets of roses today and put them at the lunch table...I had no idea! There was a bunch of real roses and fake roses. He said "I will love you until the last set dies." :) How romantic, now where did he get that from? I swear, I married the greatest man in the world.

Been getting ready for youth conference...Thursday and Friday will be crazy and that consists of staying at the church until about midnight. How exciting... But it will be AWESOME.

Praise the Lord, I am ready for VACATION at the end of May!!!!!!!! We are going to a wedding in OK and should be going to CA...praying about it at least...

Monday, February 16, 2009



Saturday, January 31, 2009


Drama. Don't want to talk to anyone, rather rant on the computer. Isn't it stupid how someone can say something to you and it just totally throws you off track the rest of the day? Yeah, well, apparently I was wearing my emotions on my shoulder during visitation. It was apparent a lady did not want to go with me on visitation as if I were fifth wheel, so I went with another group. Mrs. Angel got saved, so that was a blessing. But Mrs. ______I will not say names____were no sensitive to other and screwed up the rest of my day.

Then I do not have a car for visiting, so I kinda had to go with someone. Sam's car was in wal-mart getting an oil change so he took mine...Danielle ended up dropping me off so I can pick it up. Yeah, well, I had to pay $50 for HIS oil change!!!! Not even my car! (I know, I know, we share money...but still, this is a rant!!!!) There goes my money out of my checking account-_-.

Then, I get home and have to make sandwiches and breakfast for church activitie and potluck no sleep for awhile..

Then a friend calls me and tells me she's leaving to go home. Her and her husband were recently married and he's got an addiction to porno. What a retard, he is married to a great woman - GET THE JUNK OUT OF YOUR LIFE. I HOPE YOU'RE READING THIS RETARD.. SHE IS A GREAT WOMAN AND YOU'RE RUINING HER LIFE. Wow, sorry, had to yell at the computer for a moment. So they're married for like four months now and she calls lawyers because he will not stop..seriously...and the sad part is, we watched that movie Fireproof a few days ago together and he still didn't change.

By the way, that is a good movie.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

What a day.

What a day. It has been raining cats and dogs and it has been no fun. The great thing is, though, I got off of work at 11:45! I usually work 7:30-4 and it was amazing to have a day off... What did I do? Well, I wanted I made them...then I burned them. I shoved them down the garbage disposal so Sam wouldn't know...:)...Gotta love learning to cook, sometimes. Sprayed the house with febreeze, so all of the evidence is hidden! So I've been munching on granola bars and I need to stop snacking or I'm going to weigh as much as an elephant.

Went to Mrs. Bucks last night and played the Wii Fit. That thing is so funny. Makes you look like you're doing the chicken dance or something.

After all of that fun, I ended up taking a four hour nap...Yeah, I know, exciting, right?

Thursday, January 22, 2009


Well, lots has happened this week and I got in trouble by someone for not posting on here :). At least I have one reader!!! I am currently watching The Land Before Time. (Yeah, the dinosaur movie.) Amazing what you find on youtube.

It's official, we're going to China. Yeah, yeah, I know - a communistic country. Tell me something I don't know :). The Lord put the calling on Sam's heart about a month ago and now we are for sure we are going according to Wednesday. We are planning to intern at a church for a year and work for a pastor. After that, we will start deputation. I've heard lots of things about that...So lord willing, in about 2 years we'll be on the field.

Went for a walk today. It's been 32 degrees all week and it was 62 weird.